All ip headache

Overcoming the IP migration headache (Part One): Identifying the journey map

In Part One of this blog series, we examine some of the issues traditional pay-TV broadcasters, operators and service providers face when debating whether to migrate to an all-IP architecture and the solutions to overcome them.

Joint actions help to prevent piracy

Joining of forces from the public and private sectors seems to be the most effective response to the fight against digital piracy

Ações conjuntas ajudam a prevenir a pirataria

A união de forças dos setores público e privado parece ser a resposta mais eficaz à luta contra a pirataria digital

The six tools to help you protect your service

Formed of a series of tools designed to disrupt pirate activity and protect services, active streaming protection has been developed to enable operators to protect themselves now and in the future.

Why world-class Telco operators choose NAGRA to secure their business (Part Two): How service protection enables growth

Tim Pearson explains the six elements of the Active Streaming Protection toolset, and how Wynk, a subsidiary of Bharti Airtel, has deployed NAGRA’s cloud.SSP solution, enabling it to secure any device across its subscriber network.

ATSC 3.0 NextGen TV in a transitioning market

To understand and reap the many benefits NextGen TV will deliver, we must first understand the dynamics and challenges involved in this transitioning market.

Why world-class Telco operators choose NAGRA to secure their business (Part One): Identifying the challenges

These modern-day pirates have seemingly endless numbers of services to attack but why has the move to OTT streaming created such rich pickings for them?
secure football new

How active streaming protection can ensure service security

As operators migrate their service to an IP environment new challenges arise. Tim Pearson recently spoke to IABM TV to explain these challenges, and the unique approach NAGRA has developed to help operators overcome them.
ip blocking winner

Take down pirates with award-winning solutions

What is NAGRA's IP Blocking solution, “Protecting Content and its Value” prize winner at the recent Videonet Connected TV Awards?
NAGRA Secure

NAGRA Virtual NAB showcase: new solutions, innovation and strong connections

The virtual event featured a strong line up of new solutions for scalable service protection, the launch of new anti-piracy strategies and forensic watermarking technologies, and insights on the impact of COVID-19 on the M&E industry

Are you entertaining the pirates too?

Pay-TV services have huge potential to help entertain subscribers during this time, but that must not be at the cost of neglecting to protect the content or service.

Raising the bar: Beyond content protection to active streaming protection

Relying on platform DRM security is not enough. While it provides a level of content protection, there are other factors that need to be taken into consideration.

Insights for M&E success in 2020 (Part Two): A consumer-driven industry

In Part Two of this blog series, we focus on consumer behavior and its impact on the M&E industry.

Insights for M&E success in 2020 (Part One)​​​​​: Addressing security holes to protect valuable content

In Part One of this blog series, we focus on security - not just content security but comprehensive digital security for the new connected world, the continued evolution of piracy in the M&E space, and the latest in cloud-based infrastructures.
CES 2020 NAGRA Suite

CES 2020: security and content monetization take center stage

In case you missed them, here's a recap of key takeaways from our showcase this year!

Taking a holistic approach to fighting streaming piracy

Addressing the piracy challenge is no longer a question of asking “should I do something?” but “am I doing the right thing?”

Is the pay-TV industry ready for digital transformation?

Digital transformation is critical to future-proofing the pay-TV industry, and the industry acknowledges its need to transform.

Is sports OTT set to transform the pay-TV industry?

The rise of sports OTT has introduced a new wave of competition and innovation into the market. And as a result, traditional providers have been prompted to adapt their pricing, packaging and overall value propositions to stay successful.
Tim Pearson

NAGRA Blog: It’s time for the industry to look at content protection through a different lens.

Going beyond content protection to enable true scalable service protection.

Can the pay-TV industry be a part of the data economy?

How can operators and content owners make the most of data? How can they harness its power?

The road to pay-TV super-aggregation

Operators know they have to rise to the challenge of OTT services. But their proliferation also presents opportunities for pay-TV providers to essentially become content “super-aggregators”.

NAGRA Blog: Key Takeaways from IBC 2019

Find out about our four top takeaways from this year's show!

OTT live streaming – can it get up to speed?

Since its inception OTT content is known for buffering, latency and system crashes. Can it improve?
PAYTVIF US Report thumbnail

Pay-TV Innovation Forum: Insights from the U.S. Program

As part of its 2019 edition, the Pay-TV Innovation Forum hosted a roundtable discussion earlier this summer about the future of the U.S. pay-TV market and the opportunities that lie ahead. We recap some of those insights here.